1 | 他看起来有四十开外。 | He looks over forty. | |
2 | 我曾追寻过爱,其次是因为它能解除人孤独的感觉--置身于这无比可怕的孤独中,那让人战栗的感觉,会掠过这个世界的边缘,把人带入那无声无息而且寒气逼人的无底深渊。 | I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. | |
3 | 我追寻爱的第二个原因,爱可以消解孤独--多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆战心寒。 | I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the unfathomable lifeless abyss | |
4 | ||1:尽管看上去预算紧缺对联邦政府其它项目的影响要大于对退役士兵所享服务的影响,但随着大量劳动力的涌入,伴随而来的还有预算紧张。||2:虽然对于加入军队健康保险计划Tricare的退役士兵来,支付费用有小幅上调,但大幅削减退伍士兵的待遇是不可能的。||3:说起来军队待遇远说不上慷慨,各种津贴林林总总,但数额都不大,得到也绝非易事。||4:为津贴是一个热门在线论坛,帮助退役士兵如何在退伍士兵事务部(简称VA)办理各项事宜。||5:该网站叫HadIt.com(受够了.com)不是没有原因的。 | ||1:And of course it is also occurring in fiscally straitened times, though it looks as though this will affect veterans’ services less than other parts of the federal government.||2:Though there have been some small fee increases for veterans covered by Tricare, the military health-insurance programme, significant cuts to veterans’ benefits are unlikely, and for good reason.||3:Military pay is far from generous, and the benefits are comprehensive but hardly gold-plated or easy to navigate.||4:Not for nothing is a popular online forum for veterans wending their way through the bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) called HadIt.||5:com. | |
5 | ||1:美国去年掀起了一波社会保守主义热潮。||2:据说这些社会议题,会激发美国人在投票时,割舍自己的经济利益:一名厂工投票支持了一位反对堕胎的共和党人;作为回报,他得到的是反工会法律。||3:去年这个老生常谈的话题的局面得到了扭转。||4:2010年,美国人支持经济紧缩政策;2011年他们得到限制堕胎法。||5:对于反对堕胎的人来说,这是几十年来最高兴的一年。||6:对于巴拉克.奥巴马而言,让他头疼的堕胎议题,看上去又要“强势回归”了。 | ||1:Last year saw a surge in social conservatism.||2:It has been said that social issues inspire Americans to vote against their economic interests: a factory worker elects an anti-abortion Republican; in return he gets anti-union laws.||3:Last year the adage was reversed.||4:In 2010 Americans voted for economic austerity; in 2011 they got abortion restrictions.||5:For those who oppose abortion, it was the most promising year in decades.||6:For Barack Obama, it was a headache that looks set to grow worse. | |
6 | ||1:实际上,如果为全球竞争对手在偏远地区提供一个分销渠道,“周大福”会获利更多。||2:熟悉当地情况十分重要,因为品味往往各不相同:比方说,翡翠在内陆省份较受欢迎,而沿海地区则偏爱简单的设计。||3:“周大福”刚刚与“德比尔斯”(De Beers )达成一笔交易,在湖南省会长沙零售店推广其品牌。||4:“周大福”现在可能会在全球市场失利,不过数年以后,中国中心地带可能会给其投资者带来回报。 | ||1:Indeed, CTF could even profit by offering global rivals a distribution channel in remote regions.||2:Local knowledge matters, for tastes differ widely: jade is popular in interior provinces, for example, while coastal regions prefer simple designs.||3:CTF has just struck a deal with De Beers to market one of the diamond company’s brands in its outlet in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province.||4:Global markets may be punishing CTF today, but the heartland of China looks likely to reward its investors for years to come. | |
7 | ||1:早在还是个女孩的时候,威克身上就有了相反的特质。||2:她遵守纪律,同时却又热爱自由。||3:她随大家庭从家乡新西兰搬到悉尼后,就离家出走过两次。||4:她一长到足够负担自己的生活的年纪,就自己去了伦敦生活,然后又到巴黎做了自由记者。||5:她那值得庆贺的独立以及她夺人眼球的美貌,捕获了一位法国企业家亨利?费奥卡的心。随后他们结了婚,来到了马赛。 | ||1:From her earliest days, Miss Wake combined opposing qualities.||2:She was disciplined, but at the same time a free spirit.||3:In Sydney, to which her large family had moved after leaving her birthplace in New Zealand, she twice ran away from home.||4:As soon as she could, she made her way to London, then to Paris to work as a freelance journalist.||5:There it was her cheerful independence as much as her good looks that caught the eye of the rich French industrialist, Henri Fiocca, who would take her to Marseilles as his wife. | |
8 | 然而,11月30日,世界卫生组织,联合国儿童基金会和联合国艾滋病规划署又将发布另一份联合报告,报告内容尚未对外界透露。由于世卫组织和儿童基金会同时是艾滋规划署的发起人,所以这样的重复工作有点奇怪。 | On November 30th, however, a joint report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and—you’ve guessed it—UNAIDS comes out. What it will say is still under wraps. But WHO and UNICEF are also sponsors of UNAIDS, so the duplication of effort looks odd. | |
9 | 20.在针对仁川的侧翼的武装行动进行了四天之后,一位警戒的士兵在观察汉城附近汉江流域的情况。 | 20. A marine infantryman keeps cover as he looks over the Han river valley near Seoul four days after the flanking movement against Inchon. | |
10 | 2004年一位美国士兵注视着伊拉克的古巴比伦城。 | An U. S. soldier looks over the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq in 2004. | |
11 | 2008年10月11日北京通州宠物市场,一只待售的棕色小卷毛狗趴在笼子的围栏上张望。 | A brown poodle puppy looks over the bars of its cage as it waits to be sold at the Tongzhou dog market in Beijing October 11, 2008. | |
12 | Michael环视了警卫室里兴高采烈的那些面孔,其中有一个将没有机会继续参与这个越狱计划了。 | Michael looks over the elated faces in the guards’ room, one of which will not be able to go on the escape. | |
13 | Tweener望向躺在院中草地上Avocado,嘀咕着,“杀了那个婊子养的。” | Tweener looks over to Avocado, who’s lounging in the yard, and mutters, "Kill that son of a bitch. " | |
14 | 但其预言犹豫不决的小步前进会在2011年变成3.25%的疯长,这有些过于乐观。 | But its prediction that this hesitant trot will break into a gallop of 3. 25% in 2011 looks over -optimistic. | |
15 | 如果在男人和她目光接触后,她立刻把视线移到他头顶,或直直地盯着他,这基本上就可以确定没戏了。 | If after the man makes eye contact she instantly looks over his head or stares straight back at him it is almost certainly curtains. | |
16 | 说这话的时候,斯科特眼睛看着我,很快他又把目光投向别处。我们穿过百老汇,走向一家星巴克。 | He looks over at me, and quickly away, as we cross Broadway heading into Starbucks. | |
17 | 他望着他老婆和女儿的照片,尽管对自己所做的这份工作不满意,但他知道他没别的选择。 | He looks over at photo of his wife and daughter, not happy about what he’s doing but knows it has to be done. | |
18 | 晚上,Michael坐在办公室里,重新翻阅他哥哥案子的警方报告,似乎想放弃。 | Late at night, Michael sits in his office. He looks over his brother’s police report, and seems ready to give up. | |
19 | 我最大的希望是,不管谁在看您,请把手轻轻放在肩膀上,紧紧握住表示爱意的手。 | The very best I can hope for is that whoever looks over you, place a gentle hand on your shoulder and gives you a loving squeeze. | |
20 | 现在,如果两个人坐在一起,但一个人只是看着另一个人的肩膀,而不参与工作,那效率当然低了。 | Now, if two people sit together, but one person simply looks over the other’s shoulder and doesn’t participate, that’s truly inefficient. | |
21 | 一尊非常高大的拉美西斯母亲的雕像眺望着埃及博物馆的另一个房间。 | A very tall statue of the mother of Ramses looks over another room in the Egyptian museum. | |
22 | 一座很高的拉美西斯母亲雕像安放在埃及博物馆的另一个房间里。 | A very tall statue of the mother of Ramses looks over another room in the EgyptianMuseummuseum. | |
23 | 在随后的监测阶段,Korset仔细检查程序的责任并确保它不会偏离良好行为的模式。 | In the subsequent monitoring phase, Korset looks over the program’s shoulder and ensures that it doesn’t deviate from that model. | |
24 | 在医生办公室,医生很仔细地给我做检查 | In the doctor’s office, the doctor looks over me carefully. | |
25 | 在远方的一座酒店套房中,副总统Reynolds在她的办公桌上查看工作文件。 | Miles away, in her hotel suite, Vice President Reynolds looks over work at her desk. | |
26 | 照片里是在2007年12月3日的新奥尔良下九区,他俯瞰“粉红工程”:金属框架上披着粉红色织布。 | Here he looks over the Pink Project, metal frames draped in pink fabric, in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans on December 3, 2007 | |
27 | 坐在前排的一个年轻人看了看这位妈妈,立刻举起了手。 | A young man sitting in front looks over his shoulder at the mother and raises his hand immediately. |